Denise M. Paul MA, CT, CPLC

Denise Paul lives in Lower Gwynedd, PA and specializes in Grief Counseling. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from LaSalle University and earned her Master of Arts degree at Arcadia University in Counseling Psychology, with a certification in Elementary School Counseling. Earlier in her career she spent many years as a Hospice volunteer for both Wissahickon Hospice and Holy Redeemer Hospice. Denise is certified in Thanatology (Death and Grief Studies), and served for 13 years as the Group Specialist at Peter’s Place, a Center for Grieving Children in Radnor, PA. Denise has expertise in facilitating grief support groups for both children and adults who have had a significant loss. She speaks at various schools, hospitals, churches, and funeral homes on the topic of death. Denise volunteers her time on the Grief Committee of St. Alphonsus Church in Maple Glen, PA and offers support to parishioners who have lost a loved one. She serves as the Director of Facilitators for UNITE, Inc., a non-profit organization that offers grief support to parents experiencing miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, stillbirth, and early infant death. Her most cherished work is as the Perinatal Loss Grief Specialist at Holy Redeemer Hospital, where she ministers to families in the Labor and Delivery Room at the time of their loss, by helping to make memories of the short time spent with their baby. Bereavement photography is a skill that Denise respectfully uses to capture precious memories of a baby and their family. She facilitates a monthly support group at the hospital to offer parents ongoing grief support. Denise is proud to hold a Certification in Perinatal Loss Care, and offers trainings for Labor & Delivery and Emergency Department staff on the topic of Perinatal Loss. She is a member of the Ethics Committee and the Palliative Care team at Holy Redeemer Hospital. Her passion is to improve the grief journey of those parents who are faced with a poor pre-natal prognosis, a miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, or a stillbirth. In addition, she has a small private practice.

Denise M. Paul MA, CT, CPLC

A collection of articles written by Denise M. Paul. Updated regularly.

Grief Is A Handicap:  Grief can make you feel handicapped. This article suggests that your grief can feel so debilitating, that you feel like you are functioning in your daily life without arms.
The Juggling Act of Grief:  Mourners are faced with the challenge of carrying many feelings at the same time, following the loss of someone special. This article acknowledges that people sometimes feel like they are doing a juggling act with their feelings as they recognize the many different feelings that they are trying to handle in any given day.
Grandparents Grieve Twice:  I often think of grandparents as the “forgotten mourners.” Grandparents rush to the bedside to comfort their child who has suffered a miscarriage or stillbirth.
Grief Hangover:  When one thinks of a hangover, it usually refers to the unpleasant symptoms that are associated with drinking excessive amounts of alcohol.
One Heart to Another:  Grieving parents find comfort in the support of other parents who have experienced a similar loss.
The Pain of Loss:  Losing a baby can be the most excruciating pain a parent can endure.
My Grief is My Friend:  In time, the pain of the loss becomes a comforting reminder of the child who has died.
Finding Grace in Death:  Grace can be found in the most heartbreaking losses.
The Precious Scars of Grief:  The thought of feeling “broken” or “shattered” is a very common metaphor used to convey a parent’s state of being following a miscarriage.
The Pearl - A Result of Hard Work:  Every pearl is the product of an oyster that has been wounded by a grain of sand. Like an oyster, you too have been deeply wounded.
Stay In Your Own Grief Lane:  We all know that men are very different than women. So why are we so surprised (and often disappointed) when fathers grieve differently than mothers when their baby dies?
PTSD Following Miscarriage and Stillbirth:  Studies are recently emerging that show that mothers who experience miscarriage or stillbirth often suffer from PTSD.
Friends Don't Get It:  The most supportive friends are those who recognize that your baby’s death is a significant and tragic loss.
Grief Cannot Be Measured:  Whether you had a 5 week miscarriage or a full term stillbirth, your grief may feel the same.
Love Never Dies:  How do we go on with our lives and still honor our babies who died?
Own Your Feelings:  It’s so important to acknowledge your feelings. If you can’t say them, then write them.
Memory Keepers:  Your memories of your baby may be few, but they are very powerful. Cherish every one of them.
Grief Work:  Grief Work is the physical and emotional work that is done while grieving the loss of someone very special.
The Good Parts:  When you share that which is the deepest part of your soul, even if it is painful, a real loving and trusting relationship can be developed.
The New You:  The day that your baby died you became a new person, and you must learn to navigate in the world carrying that pain.
Mind, Body & Spirit:  Suggestions for restoring your physical and emotional health while mourning the loss of your baby.
Red Flag Days:  In the weeks and months following a loss, some days are more difficult than others. It is helpful to know what to expect and how to honor your baby on those special dates.
Big Boys Don't Cry:  Fathers often feel that they have to be strong and not show their emotions following the loss of their baby. Real men do cry!
I’ve Lost My Baby - But I Lost More Than That:  Parents find that when they lose their baby, they also lose their identity, their hopes and dreams, and their future with that child.
The Dreaded Question:  “Do you have any children?” or “How many children do you have?” are common questions. However, if you have lost a baby, it becomes the dreaded question.
What Are Your Options?:  Suggestions for restoring your physical and emotional health while mourning the loss of your baby.
The Holiday Dilemma:  The holidays can be an especially difficult time for grieving parents. There are ways to honor your baby, while still celebrating the season.

Denise M. Paul MA, CT, CPLC

Pockets Full of Feelings: A Child's Grief Journey (Paperback)

After his dad's death, Jake has a lot of feelings. But he isn't so sure about some of them. Can he learn how to understand his emotions and feel better? Jake's dad died, and he has been experiencing all kinds of emotions since he lost him. But lately he's not so sure if he's allowed to have some of those feelings. Is it ok to be happy even though he is sad? Certified grief counselor Denise Paul provides readers with a safe space to talk about their feelings and offers insightful tips for managing one's emotional state and expectations throughout the grief process. Designed to help children understand that having mixed emotions is not only ok, it's also completely natural, Pockets Full of Feelings is a supportive guide for helping children sort through their complex feelings after the loss of a loved one.

To order this book simply click the button below.



Miscarriage and Stillbirth: A Guide for Parents

This booklet addresses the unmet need of acknowledging and supporting parents who have lost their baby through miscarriage or stillbirth.

This booklet addresses topics such as: the possible causes of miscarriage and stillbirth, the grieving process, mom’s grief vs. dad’s grief, how parents can support each other, rituals of remembrance, talking to children about perinatal loss, what to do with baby items and the nursery that has been prepared, and navigating the first year after the loss. Important information is addressed in an easy to read, respectful way. It is available for distribution to patients who have experienced the loss of a baby at any time during the pregnancy.

To order this book simply click the button below and complete our mail order form.


Miscarriage: A Guide for Parents

This booklet addresses the unmet need of acknowledging and supporting parents who have lost their baby through miscarriage.

As a Perinatal Loss Grief Specialist, Denise Paul learned that miscarriage is a disenfranchised loss, because it is seldom acknowledged by society. Family and friends tend to minimize the importance of miscarriage, and women are not given permission to talk about it, which leaves them grieving alone.

This booklet answers important questions and offers suggestions on how to navigate the grief journey, in an easy to read, respectful way. It is available for distribution to patients who have experienced the loss of a baby before the 20th week of pregnancy.

To order this book simply click the button below and complete our mail order form.


Denise M. Paul MA, CT, CPLC

Learning To Cope With Grief of Losing a Pregnancy

PHILADELPHIA (WTXF) - One in four pregnancies end in loss and the grief that expecting mothers feel can be difficult to manage. Perinatal loss grief specialist Denise Paul and advocate Hali Sklar join Good Day Philadelphia to discuss the difficult topic.

Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month: Katie Gagnon shares her story

PHILADELPHIA (WTXF) - One in four pregnancies end in miscarriages, but unless it’s happened to you or someone you love, you may not know about it. Many families suffer in silence.

Katie stopped by Good Day Philadelphia to discuss the importance of sharing her story and her experience with others, and what it meant to her personal healing.

Katie was joined by Denise Paul, a Prenatal Loss Grief Specialist who runs a monthly support meeting and has written a book on the topic.

‘Society Sweeps It Under The Rug’: Local Grief Counselor Implores Women To Open Up About Miscarriages

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - In a Monday morning Instagram post, Alec Baldwin’s wife, Hilaria, shared a photos of herself cradling a small baby bump and announced that she was pregnant but that she “most likely experienced a miscarriage.”

“Miscarriages happen to 20% of pregnancies and society sweeps it under the rug,” said Denise Paul, a prenatal loss grief counselor and director of facilitators for the Philadelphia-Area Miscarriage Support Network.

Watch the video for more.

Denise M. Paul MA, CT, CPLC

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  • Sagittis adipiscing.
  • Felis enim feugiat.


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Item Two Vis ac commodo adipiscing arcu aliquet. 19.99
Item Three Morbi faucibus arcu accumsan lorem. 29.99
Item Four Vitae integer tempus condimentum. 19.99
Item Five Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99


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Item One Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99
Item Two Vis ac commodo adipiscing arcu aliquet. 19.99
Item Three Morbi faucibus arcu accumsan lorem. 29.99
Item Four Vitae integer tempus condimentum. 19.99
Item Five Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99


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